238 Error messages & Troubleshooting


Problem Solution Page
General problems
Power does not turn on Make sure that (1) the power cable is plugged into the outlet, (2) the cable is plugged
into the connector on the back of the instrument, (3) and is not damaged, (4) there are
no problems with the mains.
Is the power switch turned ON?
If the power still does not turn on, contact your dealer or the nearest KORG Service Cen-
No sound Is a jack connected to the HEADPHONES connector? This would disable the internal
Check the connections of your amp or mixer. 22
Make sure that all the components of the amplifying system are turned on.
Are the MASTER VOLUME or ASSIGN.SLIDER sliders of the Pa50SD set to a position other
than “0”?
Is the Local parameter set to Off? Turn it On. 127
Is the Speaker parameter set to Off? Turn it On. 125
Is the Attack parameter value too high? Set it to a lower value, to let the sound start
faster. Is the Volume parameter too low? Set it to a higher value.
Lowest note are not played When the SPLIT button is lit up, the keyboard will be divided into the Lower part (low
notes, below the split point) and the Upper part (high notes, above the split point). Is the
Lower track muted? Unmute it.
Wrong sounds Do the USER banks contain modified data? Load the appropriate data for the Song or the
Style you wish to playback.
Has one of the USER Drum Kits been modified? Load the appropriate Drum Kits. 133
Have the Styles or Performances been modified? Load the appropriate data (Styles or Per-
Sound does not stop Make sure that the damper switch polarity parameter is set correctly. 126
The selected Style or Song can-
not start
Make sure that the Clock parameter is set to Int. If you are using the MIDI Clock of
another device, you must set the MIDI Clock parameter to MIDI, and make sure that the
external device transmits MIDI Clock data.
Does not respond to MIDI mes-
Make sure that all MIDI cables are connected correctly. 22
Make sure that the external device is transmitting through MIDI channels enabled to
receive in the Pa50SD.
Make sure that the MIDI IN Filters of the Pa50SD do not prevent the reception of mes-
Percussive instruments are not
played correctly
Make sure that the Percussion and Drum Track is set to Drum Mode and the
external device has not transposition applied.
Some “clicks” can be heard
when playing a percussive
This is part of the sound, and not a problem.
A background noise can be
heard after selecting a Perfor-
mance, Style or STS
The selected Performance, Style or STS recalled the effect “15 Analog Record”, simulating
the noise of a old vinyl recording.
Card related problems
Cannot format a card Is the card inserted correctly? 130
Cannot save data to a card Is the card formatted? 139
Is the card inserted correctly? 130
Cannot load data from a card Is the card inserted correctly? 130
Does the card contain data compatible with the Pa50SD? 131