64 Style Record mode
Page 5 - Event Filter
F3 and F4 buttons
After selecting the parameter value area with the G VOL-
UME/VALUE buttons, use these buttons to select, respec-
tively, the first and second value of the event in edit.
START/ STOP button
Press START/STOP and play some chords on the keyboard to
test the pattern in edit. Press START/STOP again to stop the
pattern running.
SHIFT + << or >>
Keep the SHIFT button pressed and press the << or >> but-
ton to open the Go to Measure window.
Use the TEMPO/VALUE controls to select a measure, then
press ENTER to confirm, or EXIT to abort.
Press the INSERT button to insert a new event at the current
shown Position. The default values are Type = Note, Pitch =
C4, Velocity = 100, Length = 192.
After inserting an event, use the C VOLUME/VALUE buttons
to select the Event line, and the same buttons or the TEMPO/
VALUE controls to select a different event type.
Press the DELETE button to delete the event shown in the
This page is where you can select the event types to be shown
in the Event Edit page. You can access this page by pressing
the PAGE+ button, while you are in the Event Edit page.
Turn Off the filter for all event types you wish to see in the
Event Edit page.
Note: Some of the events are “ghosted”, and non editable, since
the corresponding events are not editable in a Style.
Note Notes.
Ctrl Control Change events. Only the following
Control Change numbers are allowed.
Bend Pitch Bend events.
The Event Edit is the page where you can edit each single
MIDI event of the selected Style Element. You can, for exam-
ple, replace a note with a different one, or change its playing
strength (i.e., velocity value). Here is the general event editing
1. Select the Style to edit, and press RECORD. Select the
“Current Style” option to enter recording. The LED on
the RECORD button will turn on, and the Main page of
the Style Record mode will appear.
2. Use the A VOLUME/VALUE buttons, and the F1 and F2
function keys to select the E (Style Element) and CV
(Chord Variation) parameters.
Note: For more information on the Style Elements and
Chord Variations, and the Style structure in general, see
“The Style’s structure” on page 52.
3. Press MENU, and use the VOLUME/VALUE (A-H) but-
tons to select the Event Edit section. The Event Edit page
appears (see “Page 4 - Event Edit” on page 63 for more
4. Press START/STOP to listen to the selected Chord Varia-
tion. If you like, play some chords on the keyboard, to
test the pattern. Press START/STOP to stop it.
5. Press PAGE+ to go to the Event Filter page, and turn
“Off” the filters for the event types you wish to see in the
Control function CC# (Control Change Number)
Modulation 1 1
Modulation 2 2
Pan 10
Expression(a) 11
CC#12 12
CC#13 13
Go to Measure: 1
Enter=Ok Exit=Cancel
Note: Off Aftt: Off
Prog: Off PAft: Off
Ctrl: Off Bend: Off
T/Meter: Off SysEx: Off

Edit: Ev. Filter

Damper 64
Filter Resonance 71
Low Pass Filter Cutoff 74
CC#80 80
CC#81 81
CC#82 82
(a) Expression events cannot be inserted at the starting Position
(001.01.000). An Expression value is already among the default
“header” parameters of the Style Element.
Control function CC# (Control Change Number)
e:v1 cv:cv1 R:RT RL:2
CV Len:16 Metro:On1
Resol: Meter:4/4
C maj7 NTT:5th
NewBossa |T:DR
Style Element Chord Variation
Position: 001.01.000 |
Ev: Ctrl 11 110
Event Edit