Style Record mode
Page 3 - Edit: Velocity
In this page you can change the velocity (dynamics) value of
notes in the selected track.
After setting the various parameters, press ENTER to execute.
The “Are you sure?” message will appear. Press ENTER to
confirm, EXIT to abort.
E/CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
(Non editable) These read-only parameters show which Style
Element and Chord Variation are currently selected for edit-
ing. See the Main page “E (Style Element)” and “CV (Chord
Variation)” parameters on page 55 for information on select-
ing a different Style Element and Chord Variation.
Trk (Track)
Use this parameter to select a track.
All All tracks selected. The velocity for all notes of
the whole selected Chord Variation will be
Drum…Acc5 Selected t rack.
Velocity change value (±127).
S / E (Start/End)
Use these parameters to set the starting (S) and ending (E)
points of the range to be modified.
If a Chord Variation is four measures long, and you want to
select it all, the Start will be positioned at 1.01.000, and the
End at 5.01.000.
Bottom / Top
Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the key-
board range to be modified. If you select the same note as the
Bottom and Top parameters, you can select a single percus-
sive instrument in a Drum or Percussion track.
Note: These parameters are available only when a Drum or
Percussion track is selected.
The Event Edit page allows you to edit each event in a single
track. See “Event Edit procedure” on page 64 for more infor-
mation on the event editing procedure.
Trk (Track)
Track in edit. To select a different track, press one of the A
VOLUME/VALUE buttons to open the Go To Track window.
Use the TEMPO/VALUE controls to select a track, and press
ENTER to confirm, or EXIT to abort.
E/CV (Style Element/Chord Variation)
Selected Style Element and Chord Variation. This parameter
can’t be edited. To select a different Style Element and Chord
Variation, press EXIT to go back to the Main page of the Style
Record mode (see “Main page” on page 55).
Position of the event shown in the display, expressed in the
form ‘aaa.bb.ccc’:
‘aaa’ is the measure
‘bb’ is the beat
‘ccc’ is the tick (each quarter beat = 384 ticks)
You can edit this parameter to move the event to a different
Ev (Event)
Type and values of the event shown in the display. Depending
on the selected event, the value may change. This parameter
also shows the (non-editable) “End Loop” marking, when the
end of a track is reached.
To change the event type, use the C VOLUME/VALUE but-
tons to select the Event line, then use the same buttons or the
TEMPO/VALUE controls to select a different event type.
To select and edit the event’s value, use the F3 and F4 func-
tion keys, and use the G/VOLUME/VALUE buttons or the
TEMPO/VALUE controls.
Length of the selected Note event. The value format is the
same as the Position value.
Note: If you change a length of “000.00.000” to a different
value, you can’t go back to the original value. This rather
uncommon zero-length value may be found in some drum or
percussion tracks.

Transport, navigation and editing controls

E/F and H VOLUME/VALUE buttons
These buttons are the “Scroll to previous event” (E/F) and
“Scroll to next event” (H) controls. They corresponds to the
scrolling arrows shown on the screen.
Use these buttons to select the corresponding parameter
value area.
S001-01-000 E001-01-192
Bottom:G-1 Top:C8


Position: 001.01.000 |
Ev: Note F#2 72
Lenght:000.00.000 |
Event Edit
Event Type First value Second value
Event First value Second value
Note Note name Velocity
Ctrl Control Change number Control Change value
Bend Bending value
Go to Track: DRUM
Enter=Ok Exit=Cancel