Style Record mode
Main page
After pressing the RECORD button, and selected the Style to
record/edit, the Main page of the Style Record mode appears.
Style Play icon
When this icon appears in the display, you are in Style Play or
Style Record mode.
While in the Main and Style Tracks page, this area shows the
Original Key/Chord (see “Original Key/Chord” on page 56)
for the selected track.
Style name
This is the name of the Style in record/edit.
Measure counter
This counter shows the measure in record. The measure
range is specified by the “RecLen” parameter (see “RL
(Recording Length)” on page 55).
Track in record/edit
Most editing in this edit mode are executed on a single track.
While in the main page, the currently selected track is shown
on the upper right area of the display. The abbreviations are:
DR (Drums), PC (Percussion), BS (Bass), A1…A5 (Accom-
paniment 1…5).
To select the track to edit, press TRACK SELECT to jump to
the Style Tacks page (see “Style Tracks page” on page 56) and
use the VOLUME/VALUE buttons to select it.
E (Style Element)
Use the A VOLUME/VALUE buttons to select the line, and
the F1 button to select this parameter.
This parameter lets you select the Style Element to put in
edit. Each Style Element corresponds to one of the buttons
on the control panel carrying the same name.
Note: When this parameter and the assigned value is in small
letters (e:v1), the Style Element is empty; when it is in capitals
(E:V1), it is already recorded
V1…V4 Variation 1 to Variation 4
I1…I2 Intro 1 to Intro 2
F1…F2 Fill 1 to Fill 2
E1…E2 Ending 1 to Ending 2
CV (Chord Variation)
Use the A VOLUME/VALUE buttons to select the line, and
the F2 button to select this parameter. This parameter lets
you select the Chord Variation to edit, after selecting the Style
Element this Chord Variation pertains to.
Note: When this parameter and the assigned value is in small
letters (cv:cv1), the Chord Variation is empty; when it is in cap-
itals (CV:CV1), it is already recorded
SE:V1…V4 You can select one of 6 Chord Variations to
SE:I1…E4 You can select one of 2 Chord Variations to
R (Recording Mode)
This parameters lets you select between the Realtime and the
Step recording modes. Use one of the E VOLUME/VALUE
buttons and the F3 function key to select this parameter.
Change its status using the E VOLUME/VALUE buttons, or
the TEMPO/VALUE controls.
RT Realtime. This methods allows you to record in
realtime each pattern of the Style.
Stp Step Record. This method allows you to enter
the events one at a time. See “Style Record pro-
cedure” below for more information.
RL (Recording Length)
This parameter sets the recording length (in measures) of the
selected track. Its value is always equal to, or a divider of, the
Chord Variation Length (see next parameter).
This is not the total length of the Chord Variation, but just of
the current track. For example, you may have a Chord Varia-
tion eight measures long, with a drum pattern repeating each
two measures. If so, set the CV Len parameter to “8”, and the
RecLen parameter to “2” before starting recording the Drum
track. When saving the Style, or executing any edit operation
on the Style, the 2-measures pattern will be extended to the
full 8-measures length of the Chord Variation.
Warning: If you assign CVLen a value lower than RecLen,
the value of RecLen is not immediately updated in the dis-
play. Therefore, you are still free of changing the value of
CVLen, before the measures exceeding its value are deleted
(see warning in “CVLen (Chord Variation Length)” below).
However, if you press START/STOP to begin recording, the
real RecLen value is changed to the new one, even if the dis-
play still shows the old value.
For example, you may have CVLen = 4 and RecLen = 4. If
you set CVLen to 2, and press START/STOP to begin record-
ing, RecLen is still shown as 4, but it is in reality set to 2, and
recording will cycle for just 2 measures. After you press
START/STOP to stop recording, RecLen is updated to 2, and
all measures after the second measure are deleted.
CVLen (Chord Variation Length)
This parameter sets the total length (in measures) for the
selected Chord Variation. When playing a Style, this will be
the length of the accompaniment pattern to be cycled, when
the chord corresponding to the Chord Variation is recognized
on the keyboard.
Warning: If you reduce the Chord Variation Length after
recording, any measure after the selected length will be
deleted. Be very careful when setting the CVLen to a lower
value after recording!
Metro (Metronome)
This is the metronome heard during recording.
Off No metronome click will be heard during
recording. A one-bar precount will be played
before starting recording.
e:v1 cv:cv1 R:RT RL:2
CV Len:16 Metro:On1
Resol: Meter:4/4
C maj7 NTT:5th
NewBossa |T:DR
Style Play icon Measure counter
Track in record/edit
Style name