Style Record mode
Style Import/Export
ACC1-5 are for accompaniment sequences (string, guitar,
piano or other accompaniment instruments).
Just to summarize, when you play a chord on the chord rec-
ognition area, the arranger determines which Style Element
is used, then determines which Chord Variation should be
used for the played chord, then Style sequences for every
track of that Chord Variation are transposed from the origi-
nal chord to the recognized chord using the NTT, and so on
every time you play a chord.
Note: The Break and the Count In are not Style Elements, and
cannot be programmed by the user. While in record/edit, the
BREAK/COUNT IN button does not work.

What to record

Recording a Style is a matter of recording tracks, inside a
series of Chord Variations, inside a series of Style Elements,
inside the Style itself.
You don’t need to record all Chord Variations for all Style
Elements. It is often only necessary to record just a Chord
Variation for each Style Element. Exceptions are the Intro 1
and Ending 1, where we suggest to record both a Major and
minor Chord Variations.
You can use Korg’s Style To Midi application to exchange
Styles between your computer and the Pa50SD, through the
Standard MIDI File (SMF) format. The application is freely
downloadable from www.korgpa.com. Please read the
included instructions.
While in the Style Play operating mode, press RECORD. The
following page will appear in the display:
Select Current Style to edit the current Style. If it is a
Factory Style, you will not be able to save it on the origi-
nal location; you will select a User Style instead.
When editing an existing Style, the original Style Perfor-
mance is recalled, but the following parameters are reset
to their default values: Drum Mapping (0), Snare & Kick
Designation (Off), Program (Original), Keyboard
Range (Original). This means that you can hear some
differences between the Style in play and the same Style
being edited; for example, resetting the Drum Mapping
may lead to some instrument’s replacement.
After editing the Style, please save it (see “Exit and Save/
Abort Style” below). Then, edit the Style Performance to
adjust the track’s settings (Tempo, Volume, Pan, FX
Send… see page 43 and following in the “Style Play
operating mode” chapter) and save it by pressing the
WRITE button.
Select New Style to start from a new, empty Style. A
default Style Performance will be recalled. When fin-
ished recording, you will save the new Style onto a User
Style location.
After recording the Style, please save it (see “Exit and
Save/Abort Style” below). Then, edit the Style Perfor-
mance to adjust the track’s settings (Tempo, Volume,
Pan, FX Send… see page 43 and following in the “Style
Play operating mode” chapter) and save it by pressing
the WRITE button.
Note: After a record or edit operation, the Style is rewritten
in memory. When you press START/STOP there is a delay
before you can actually listen to the Style. This delay is
higher with a Style containing more MIDI events.
Note: While in Record mode, all footswitches are disabled.
While you are in Record/Edit mode, you can listen to the
selected Chord Variation or to the whole Style, depending
on the page you are in.
To select a Chord Variation, go to the Main page of the
Record/Edit mode (see “E (Style Element)” and “CV
(Chord Variation)” on page 55).
When you are in the Quantize, Transpose, Velocity, or
Delete pages, you can listen to the selected Chord Vari-
ation. Press START/STOP to check how it works. Press
START/STOP again to stop the playback.
When you are in the Delete All, Copy, Style Element
Controls or Style Control pages, you can listen to the
whole Style. Press START/STOP and play some chords
to do your tests. Select any Style Element using the
control panel buttons (VARIATION 1-4, INTRO 1-2,
FILL 1-2, ENDING 1-2). Press START/STOP again to
stop the playback.
Note: When doing the above tests, the Fingered 3 Chord
Scanning mode is automatically selected.
When finished editing, you can save your Style in memory, or
abort any change. Press WRITE or RECORD to go to the
Write page (see “The Write window” on page 54).
Note: When saving the Style in memory, Pa50SD automatically
compresses it to reduce its size and save memory.
Hint: Save often while recording, to avoid accidentally losing
your Style.
Current Style
New Style