30 Tutorial
3 - Playing a Song
6Select other Variations.
There are four VARIATION buttons. These are four different
versions of the same Style. Try them all!
You can go to a Variation after a Fill. Just press a FILL button,
then, immediately after, a VARIATION button.
7Stop it!
OK, you could say: “O, that’s easy, I know how to do it, I can
just press that big red START/STOP button again”.
Yes, you are perfectly right. But that’s only the easy way. Let
us suggest a different way:
An ending is instantaneously called, and will begin playing,
to led the Style to a colorful end. As usual, ENDING1 is pre-
programmed, while ENDING2 asks for your chord progres-
In Sync
A guy from the end of the classroom stands up asking:
“Huh, Sir, and what if I want to avoid all that START/STOP
thing? I mean, I prefer to have my hands free for music!”
Good point. The SYNCHRO button is there right for this.
1While the Style is stopped, press the SYN-
CHRO button.
The SYNCHRO-START LED begins flashing on. The Syn-
chro Start function is enabled.
2Play a chord on the keyboard.
You must play a chord for the chord recognition engine. Usu-
ally, it will be on the left of the split point, but it depends on
the CHORD SCANNING section.
The Style starts.
3Stop the Style as you better prefer.
You know how to do, isn’t it?
Need more information?
Go to “Style Play operating mode” on page 40. The Reference
Guide includes all the information you need.
Nothing easier than playing a Song on the Pa50SD. You don’t
have even to load it from a card.
1Move the BALANCE slider to the center.
This sets both onboard sequencers at the same level.
2Insert the card containing the Song into the
card drive.
Make sure your card is FAT formatted. This is the typical
Window format, and you can make a card of this type also on
the Mac, by selecting the “DOS” option when initializing a
3Press the SONG PLAY button to access the Song
Play mode.
This is the display:
4Select a Song.
Another easy task. Press the A (S1:) VOLUME/VALUE button
to open the Song Select window.
Press the F1 button to select the card drive. The list of files in
the card appears. Songs are files with the “.MID” or “.KAR”
extension. Pa50SD filters all other file types out for you.
Use the TEMPO/VALUE controls, or the VOLUME/VALUE
(E-H) buttons to scroll the list. The E-F buttons are the Scroll
Up ( ), while the G-H buttons are the Scroll Down ( ).
Move the Song to play to the first line of the display. Then
press the F2 (SELECT) button.
5Press PLAY/STOP (SEQ1).
The playback begins.
6If you like, select a Song for the Sequencer 2.
Press the B (S2:) VOLUME/VALUE button, and repeat the
above procedure to select the Song for Sequencer 2. Use the
right (SEQ 2) PLAY/STOP button to start/stop the second
Song. Use the BALANCE cursor to mix between Sequencer 1
and Sequencer 2.
7Take a pause.
Press PAUSE to stop the playback without going back to mea-
sure 1. The PAUSE LED begins flashing.
Press PAUSE again to resume the playback.
S1: Piano01
S2: Guitar01
Lyrics StrngEns2
No song
Song Selection