102 Song operating mode
Page 23 - Edit: Copy
Here you can copy tracks or phrases.
After setting the various parameters, press ENTER to execute.
The “Are you sure?” message will appear. Press ENTER to
confirm, EXIT to abort.
Note: If you copy too many events on the same “tick”, the “Too
many events!” message appears, and the copy operation is
Use this parameter to select the Copy mode.
Merge Copied data are merged with the data at the
target position.
Overwrite Copied data replace all data at the target posi-
Warning: Deleted data cannot be recovered!
FromTrk (From Track)
ToTrk (To Track)
Use these parameters to select the source and target track to
All All tracks. The target track cannot be selected.
1…16 Selected source and target tracks.
The left “S/E” parameters are the starting and ending mea-
sure to copy. For example, if S=1 and E=4, the first four mea-
sures are copied.
The right “S” parameter is the first of the target measures.
Number of times the copy must be executed.
Enter this page from the Menu of the Song mode. The Event
Edit page allows you to edit each event in a single track. See
“Event Edit procedure” on page 104 for more information on
the event editing procedure.
Trk (Track)
Track in edit. To select a different track, press one of the A
VOLUME/VALUE buttons to open the Go To Track window.
Use the TEMPO/VALUE controls to select a track, and press
ENTER to confirm, or EXIT to abort.
1…16 One of the ordinary tracks of the Song. These
tracks contains musical data, like notes and
Master This is a special track, containing Tempo
changes, Meter changes, Scale and Transpose
data, and the effect parameters.
Position of the event shown in the display, expressed in the
form ‘aaa.bb.ccc’:
‘aaa’ is the measure
‘bb’ is the beat
‘ccc’ is the tick (each quarter beat = 384 ticks)
You can edit this parameter to move the event to a different
Ev (Event)
Type and values of the event shown in the display. Depending
on the selected event, the value may change. This parameter
also shows the (non-editable) “End Of Track” marking, when
the end of the track is reached.
Here are the events contained in ordinary tracks (1-16).
FromTrk:All ToTrk:All
S:1 E:1 S:1 T1


Event First value Second value
Note Note name Velocity
Prog Program Change number
Ctrl Control Change number Control Change value
Bend Bending value
Aftt Mono (Channel) After-
touch value
PAft Note to which the After-
touch is applied
Poly Aftertouch value
Trk: 1
Position: 001.01.000 |
Ev: Note G1 94
Lenght:000.00.110 |
Event Edit
Event Type First value Second value
Go to Track: 1
Enter=Ok Exit=Cancel