Style Record mode
Page 8 - Edit: Copy
Here you can copy a track, Chord Variation or Style Element
inside the same Style, or from a different one. Furthermore,
you can copy a whole Style.
Warning: The Copy operation deletes all data at the target
location (overwrite).
After setting the various parameters, press ENTER to execute.
The “Are you sure?” message will appear. Press ENTER to
confirm, EXIT to abort.
Note: If you copy too many events on the same “tick”, the “Too
many events!” message appears, and the copy operation is
Note: When you copy over an existing Chord Variation, Pro-
gram Change data is not copied, to leave the original Programs
unchanged for that Chord Variation.
When in this page, press the corresponding button on the
control panel to select a Style Element (VARIATION1 …
From Style
Use the first parameter to select the source Style to copy the
track, Chord Variation or Style Element from.
From… to Style Element/Chord Variation
Use these parameters to select the source and target Style Ele-
ments or Chord Variations.
Note: You can’t copy from a Variation to a different Style Ele-
ment (or vice-versa), because of their different structure.
All All Style Elements, i.e. the whole Style. You
can’t change the target, that is automatically set
to All.
Var1…End2 Single Style Element.
Single Chord Variation.
From… to Track
Use these parameters to select the source and target track to
All All tracks of the selected Style, Style Element or
Chord Variation.
Drum-Acc5 Single track of the selected Style, Style Element
or Chord Variation.

Copying on a Chord Variation with a different


You can copy a Chord Element on a different Chord Element
with a different length. Just keep in mind the following:
If the source length is a divider of the target length, the
source Chord Variation will be multiplied to fit the tar-
get Chord Variation. For example, if the source is 4-
measures long, and the target 8-measures, the source
will be copied two times.
If the source length is not a divider of the target length,
the source Chord Variation will be copied for as many
measures as can fit the target Chord Variation. For
example, if the source is 6-measures long, and the target
8-measures, the source will be copied once, then the fist
2 measures will be copied to fit the remaining 2 mea-
Note: Avoid copying on a Chord Variation with a different
meter, for example a 4/4 Chord Variation onto a 3/4 one.
In this page you can assign a different Program to each track
of the selected Style Element. Each Style Element can have
different Programs; after saving the new Style, please don’t
forget to set the “Prog” parameter to “Original” (see “Prog
(Program)” on page 49), to let the Style select the Program
bypassing the Style Performance settings.
When in this page, press the corresponding button on the
control panel to select a Style Element (VARIATION1 …
To copy the settings of this page to another Style Element,
keep the SHIFT button pressed, and press the button of the
target Style Element.
Use the PROGRAM/PERFORMANCE section to assign a
Program to the selected track.
From:S01-01 8BeatMax
From:V1-CV1 To:V1-CV2
FromTrk:DR ToTrk:DR


1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
5 6
StandardDK Jazz GT
PercKit 1 Brass
FingerBass Vibes
Ac.Piano VoxPad

SECtl:Program V1