26 Basic operations
Selecting a Program
You can select a different Program (i.e., sound) to be played
by a track. Before selecting a Program, you must select the
track you want to assign the Program to.
Note: To assign different Programs to the Style tracks, press
TRACK SELECT to see the Style tracks. If you select a Program
while grouped tracks (Drum/Percussion or ACC) are selected,
the Program will be assigned to the last selected track.
Each Style Element (Variations, Fills…) can have different
Programs, so your selection might be automatically reset
when selecting a different Element. To avoid this reset, see
“Prog (Program)” on page 49.
1. Use the VOLUME/VALUE (E-H) buttons on the right
side of the display, to select the Realtime (Keyboard)
track you wish to assign a different Program to.
2. Press the PROGRAM button. This changes the PRO-
GRAM/PERFORMANCE section into a Program selec-
3. Use the leftmost PROGRAM/PERFORMANCE button
to select a row of Program banks (upper, lower).
4. Select the PROGRAM/PERFORMANCE bank contain-
ing the Program you are looking for (Program banks are
identified by instrument names).
The Program Select window appears. See “Programs
(Program Change order)” on page 154 for a list of Fac-
tory Programs.
5. Browse all the Programs in the selected bank using the
PAGE buttons. There can be various pages for each
bank, containing up to 8 Programs each.
6. As you find the Program you are looking for, select it
using the VOLUME/VALUE (A-H) buttons.
7. If the DISPLAY HOLD LED is on, press EXIT to exit this
A Style is a set of rhythm and accompaniment patterns. You
can select a Style from the internal memory, or from a card
(see “The DIRECT SD bank” on page 40).
1. Use the leftmost STYLE button to select a row of Style
banks (upper, lower).
2. Select the STYLE bank containing the Style you are
looking for.
The Style Select window appears.
3. There are 2 pages for each bank, each containing 8
Styles. Select a page using the PAGE buttons.
4. As you find the Style you are looking for, select it using
the VOLUME/VALUE (A-H) buttons.
Note: The new Style will enter at the next strong beat.
5. If the DISPLAY HOLD LED is on, press EXIT to exit this


When you select a Style, the Realtime (Keyboard) tracks can
be changed or not.
If the SINGLE TOUCH LED is on, the Single Touch Set-
ting (STS) #1 is automatically selected, and the Realtime
tracks are changed. Programs, and the Keyboard Mode,
may change.
If the SINGLE TOUCH LED is off, Realtime tracks don’t
Drum/Perc Piano01
Bass01 Guitar01
Acc.1-5 StrngEns2
BossaNova |STS1
Piano1 E.Piano2
Piano2 E.Piano3
Piano3 Harpsi
E.Piano1 Clavinet
Piano T:U1
Last selected Program Selected track
Mod.Swing1 Slow Blues
Mod.Swing2 Cay Blues
JazzWaltz1 St.LouisB
JazzWaltz2 Big Band1
Jazz Waltz 1