038: PitchShift
(Pitch Shifter)

This effect changes the pitch of the input signal. You can

select from three types: Fast (quick response), Medium, and

Slow (preserves tonal quality). You can also create an effect in

which the pitch is gradually raised (or dropped) using the

delay with feedback.

a: Mode
This parameter switches the pitch shifter operating mode.
With Slow, tonal quality will not be changed too much.
With Fast, the effect becomes a Pitch Shifter that has a
quick response, but may change the tone. Medium is in
between these two. If you do not need to set too much
pitch shift amount, set this parameter to Slow. If you wish
to change the pitch significantly, use Fast.
b: Pitch Shift [1/2tone], b: Src, b: Amt, c: Fine [cent], c: Amt
The amount of pitch shift will use the value of the “Pitch
Shift” plus the “Fine” value. The amount of modulation
will use the c: Amt value plus d: “Amt.”
Modulation Source is used both for “Pitch Shift” and
e: Feedback Position, f: Feedback
When “Feedback Position” is set to Pre, the pitch shifter
output is again input to the pitch shifter. Therefore, if you
specify a higher value for the Feedback parameter, the
pitch will be raised (or lowered) more and more each time
feedback is repeated.
If “Feedback Position” is set to Post, the feedback signal
will not pass through the pitch shifter again. Even if you
specify a higher value for the Feedback parameter, the
pitch-shifted sound will be repeated at the same pitch.
aMode Slow, Medium, Fast
Switches Pitch Shifter mode
Pitch Shift [1/2tone] –24...+24
Sets the pitch shift amount by steps of a semitone ,
Src Off...Tempo
Selects the modulation source of pitch shift amount
Sets the modulation amount of pitch shift amount
Fine [cent]
Sets the pitch shift amount by steps of a cent
Sets the modulation amount of pitch shift amount
dDelay Time [msec]
Sets the delay time
eFeedback Position
Switches the feedback connection.
Pre, Post
Sets the feedback amount
High Damp [%]
Sets the damping amount in the high range
Wet / Dry
Wet / Dry
Wet: Mono In - Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In - Stereo Out
Input Level
Input Level
High Damp
Pitch Shifter
Feedback Position
Pre Post
Input Level Dmod [%] –100...+100
Sets the modulation amount of the input level Fx:037,
Selects the modulation source for the input level
Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Table , “Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds,” on page 175
Src Off...Tempo
Table , “Selects the modulation source of the effect balance,” on page 175
Table , “Sets the modulation amount of the effect bal-
ance,” on page 175