228 MIDI Controllers

The following is a table including all Control Change mes-

sages, and their effect on various Pa50SD functions.

CC# CC Name Pa50SD Function
0 Bank Select Program selection
1 Mod1 (Y+) Joystick forward
2 Mod2 (Y-) Joystick backward
3 Undef. ctl
4 Foot ctl
5 Port.time
6 Data ent.
7 Volume Track volume
8 Balance
9 Undef. ctl
10 Pan Pot Track panning
11 Expression Expression
12 Fx Ctl 1
13 Fx Ctl 2
14-15 Undef. ctl
16 Gen.pc.1
17 Gen.pc.2
18 Slider
19 Gen.pc.4
20-31 Undef. ctl
Control Change #32-63 are the LSB (Least Significant Bytet) of
Control Change #0-31, i.e. the MSB (Most Significant Byte), and
are changed according to their MSB counterparts.
64 Damper Damper pedal
65 Portamento
66 Sostenuto Sostenuto pedal
67 Soft pedal Soft pedal
68 Legato
69 Hold 2
70 Sustin level
71 F.Res.Hp Filter resonance
72 Release Release time
73 Attack Attack time
74 F.CutOff Filter cutoff (Brilliance)
75 Decay T. Decay time
76 Lfo1 Sp. Vibrato speed
77 Lfo1 Dpt Vibrato depth
78 Lfo1 Dly Vibrato initial delay
79 FilterEg
80 Gen.pc.5
81 Gen.pc.6
82 Gen.pc.7
83 Gen.pc.8
84 Port.ctl
85-90 Undef. ctl
91 Fx A/C A/C (reverb) send level
92 Fx 2 ctl
93 Fx B/D B/D (modul.) send level
94 Fx 4 ctl
95 Fx 5 ctl
96 Data Inc
97 Data Dec
98 NRPN Lsb
99 NRPN Msb
100 RPN Lsb
101 RPN Msb
102-119 Undefined ctl
120 AllSOff
121 Res Ctl Reset All Controllers
122 LocalCt
123 NoteOff
124 OmniOff
125 Omni On
126 Mono On
127 Poly On
CC# CC Name Pa50SD Function