To create a single MS-DOS partition for your entire hard disk drive, select the default option (#1) by pressing ENTER. The Create Primary DOS partition menu appears next:

Create Primary DOS partition

Current Fixed Disk Drive: 1

Do you wish to use the maximum size for a DOS partition and make the DOS partition active (Y/N) . . . . . . . . .? (Y)

Press ESC to return to Fdisk Options

To reserve the entire hard disk for MS-DOS, press the ENTER. FDISK now displays the following message:

System will now restart

Insert DOS diskette in drive A:

Press any key when ready...

It is common to use FDISK to create an MS-DOS partition that takes up the entire hard disk drive and then make that partition bootable. Now that you have completed these tasks, you can restart your system using your MS-DOS Install diskette.


For information on the remaining FDISK menu selections, see your MS-DOS User’s Guide.

6-8 Using Your Hard Disk