8 Copying System Diskettes
Now that you have started your system and loaded
Each of the system diskettes is formatted for 360KB. (Formatting prepares a diskette to store data and is described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5.)
To copy them, you need seven 360KB doubledensity,
N o t e
If you do not have any 360KB diskettes, you can use unformatted 1.2MB diskettes. When copying from 360KB diskettes, the DISKCOPY program formats the 1.2MB diskettes for 360KB.
Follow these steps:
1.The C > prompt should be on the screen. If not, type C: and press Enter.
2.Type the following and press Enter:
The screen displays this message:
Insert SOURCE diskette in drive A:
Press any key to continue...
3.Insert the