The power indicator on the front panel lights up. After a few seconds, the computer starts to perform an internal self test. This is a series of checks the computer completes each time you turn it on to make sure everything is working correctly. If anything is wrong, an error message appears on the screen.
After the self test is complete, you see a message on the screen smiliar to this:
(c)1989 TriGem Coporation
press <ESC> to bypass MEMORY test
(c)American Megatrends Inc,.
The computer continually updates this display as it tests its memory. This test takes about 15 seconds to complete.
You may see a message similar to this:
XCMOS Checksum Failure
CMOS battery low
CMOS system option not set
Run Setup Utility
Press <Fl> to RESUME
This means that the computer is not yet set up for the equipment you have installed and you must run the Setup program, described in Chapter 2. For now, press the Fl key on