If you’d like to the on board serial port 1 for COM l, set this option “COM l”.
But, when you install the external card to use another serial port, you should select “Disable” on this option to disable the on board serial port.
Serial Port #2Set this parameter to “COM2” when you use serial port #2 for “COM2”. You should also disable this option when you install the external card to use another serial port for COM2.
Parallel PortIf you use on board parallel port, select LPTl for this parameter. However if you want to use another parallel port using external I/O card, you should disable this option.
Hard Disk ControllerThe system has on board IDE type HDC. If you’d like to another type of HDC (for example, SCSI, or ESDI etc.), disable this option and install your HDC Card to the expansion slot.
Running the Setup Program