Carriage-Return (CR) Action
This procedure instructs the printer what to do when it receives a carriage-
return code (character code 0DH)
1Press the MENU key.
2Press the or key repeatedly until Page set > appears.
3Press the > key.
4Press the or key repeatedly until >CR Action appears.
5Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?) appears.
6Press the or key repeatedly until desired carriage-return action
CR only A carriage-return is performed. (Default)
CR and LF A carriage-return and linefeed are performed.
Ignore CR The carriage-return code is ignored.
7When the desired action is displayed, press the ENTER key.
8Press the MENU key. The message display returns to Ready.
Page set >
>CR Action
CR only
>CR Action
? CR only