LaCie Network Space 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON | Troubleshooting |
User Manual | page 56 |
5.4. Troubleshooting the Network Connection
Problem | Question | Solution |
The USB drive/key or USB | Is the Network Space 2 connected to | Devices connected to the USB expansion port (hard drive or |
printer connected to the USB | your computer via USB? | printer) are automatically unmounted when you connect the |
expansion port is not recog- |
| Network Space 2 to a computer via USB. To make the external |
nized. |
| hard drive or printer accessible, disconnect the Network Space |
| 2 from your computer and connect it to the network using the |
| Ethernet cable. |
I connected a USB drive to | Is the USB drive formatted in | Reformat the drive in a different file format. |
the USB expansion port, but | (FAT32) and is its capacity more than |
the drive does not mount and | 500 GB? |
is not listed in LaCie Network |
Assistant. |
The Network Space 2 is not | Does your computer’s configuration | Check section 1.1. Minimum System Requirements for more in- |
recognized by the computer. | meet the minimum system require- | formation. |
| ments? |
| Is the system’s power supply connected | Make sure that the power supply is properly connected (see sec- |
| and is the LED on the front of the drive | tion 2.2. STEP 2: Connect the Ethernet Cable for details); that |
| on? | the system has been powered on pushing the power button; and |
| that the outlet the power supply is connected to is powered on |
| or has a sufficient supply of power. |
| Is the LED on the front of the device | If the LED is flickering or will not turn on, the power supply |
| flickering for an inordinate period of | may be defective. Please contact your LaCie reseller or LaCie |
| time? | Customer Support. |
| Did you follow the correct installation | Review the installation steps (2. Connecting to a Network). |
| steps? |
| Are both ends of the Ethernet cable | Disconnect the Ethernet cable, wait 10 seconds and then |
| firmly connected? | reconnect. |
| Ensure that the interface connectors are properly aligned. The |
| Ethernet cable can only be inserted one way. Make sure it is |
| correctly oriented. |
| Check that the Ethernet connectors are straight and fully seated |
| in the Ethernet ports. |
| Make sure that you use the Ethernet cord provided in the LaCie |
| Network Space 2 box. |