| 5: Commands and Levels |
delete all authorized users | Removes all authorized users |
delete authorized user <username> | Remove an authorized user |
exit | Exits to the ssh level. |
host generate dsa 1024 | Generate DSA public and private keys |
host generate dsa 512 | Generate DSA public and private keys |
host generate dsa 768 | Generate DSA public and private keys |
host generate rsa 1024 | Generate RSA public and private keys |
host generate rsa 512 | Generate RSA public and private keys |
host generate rsa 768 | Generate RSA public and private keys |
host keys | Sets RSA or DSA public and/or private keys |
no host dsa | Removes DSA public and private keys |
no host rsa | Removes RSA public and private keys |
show | Show SSH Server settings |
show authorized user <username> | Show information for an authorized user |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
show host dsa | Show full DSA public key |
show host rsa | Show full RSA public key |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
smtp |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
default relay port | Restores the SMTP relay port to its default. |
exit | Exits to the configuration level. |
no relay address | Removes the SMTP relay address. |
relay address <text> | Sets an SMTP relay address to direct all outbound email |
| messages through |
| a mail server. |
relay port <number> | Sets the SMTP relay port. |
show | Displays the current configuration. |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
ssh (ssh) level commands |
client | Enters the SSH Client configuration level. |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
exit | Exits to the enable level. |
server | Enters the SSH Server configuration level. |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
ssh |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
default max sessions | Restores the default maximum allowed concurrent incom- |
| ing SSH sessions. |
default port | Restores the default local port to the SSH server. |
exit | Exits to the CLI level. |
max sessions <number> | Sets the maximum allowed concurrent incoming SSH |
| sessions. |
| <number> = number of sessions. |
port <number> | Sets the local port that the SSH server uses. |
PremierWave XN Command Reference | 157 |