| 5: Commands and Levels |
| with other devices. |
| <text> = SSH user name. |
tcp keep alive <milliseconds> | Enables TCP keep alive for connect mode tunneling and |
| sets the timer. |
| <milliseconds> = timer value, in milliseconds. |
validate certificate disable | Skips verification of the server certificate when connect- |
| ing. |
validate certificate enable | Requires verification of the server certificate when con- |
| necting. |
vip disable | Makes connections using the specified Address. |
vip enable | Makes connections using the VIP name. |
vip name <text> | Sets the VIP name. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
host 9 |
clrscrn | Clears the screen. |
default protocol | Restores the default value of the protocol (Telnet). |
default remote port | Sets the remote port (used to connect to the host) to the |
| default value, |
| which depends on the selected protocol. |
exit | Exits to the configuration level. |
host <number> | Change to config host level |
name <text> | Sets the name of the host. |
| <text> = name of the host. |
no name | Clears the name of the host. |
no remote address | Clears the remote address of the host. |
no ssh username | Clears the SSH username associated with the host. |
protocol ssh | Sets the protocol to SSH. |
protocol telnet | Sets the protocol to Telnet. |
remote address <text> | Sets the IP address of the remote host to connect to when |
| this host is |
| selected on the login connect menu. |
| <text> = IP address. |
remote port <number> | Sets the remote port used to connect to the host. |
| <number> = port to be used. |
show | Displays the current configuration. |
show history | Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current |
| CLI session. |
ssh username <text> | Sets the username for logging into the host via SSH. |
| <text> = username. |
write | Stores the current configuration in permanent memory. |
http |
auth <uri> | Creates a new HTTP server authentication directive. |
| <uri> = URI of the server. |
auth type <uri> digest | Sets an HTTP server authentication directive to the Digest |
| Access |
| Authentication scheme. |
| <uri> = URI of the server. |
auth type <uri> none | Sets the authentication type for an HTTP server authenti- |
| cation directive to |
| none. |
| <uri> = URI of the server. |
auth type <uri> ssl | Sets the authentication type for an HTTP server authenti- |
| cation directive to SSL. |
PremierWave XN Command Reference | 142 |