Lorex Auto Port Forwarding Wizard

I have configured DDNS for remote access to my system:

Go to www.lorexddns.net and create a new account

Domain: ____________________________________

User ID: ____________________________________

Password: __________________________________

I have configured my system to connect to the DDNS server:

ATTENTION: You MUST enter your DDNS information LOCALLY before attempting remote access.

To enable DDNS on your system:

1.Open Internet Explorer (version 6 or above) and enter the IP address of your DVR in the address bar (i.e. 192.168.xxx.89). DVR Netviewer opens.

2.Log in using your LAN user ID and password (by default, ID 9; password 3333).

3.Click the Setup button. The Setup menu opens.

4.Under Network, click DDNS.

5.Under DDNS Select, click the drop-down menu and select http://lorexddns.net

6.In the corresponding text fields, enter your DDNS username and password.

NOTE: Obtain this information from the confirmation email after registering for the free Lorex DDNS service.

7.Under DDNS Domain Name, enter only the first portion of your DDNS domain from the confirmation email. For example, if your domain name is tomsmith.lorexddns.net, you only need to enter tomsmith in the text field.

8.Click Submit to save your settings or click Cancel to exit without saving.

NOTE: Once you have saved your DDNS settings, your must reset your DVR in order for the changes to take effect. Disconnect and reconnect the power cable from the rear panel to reset.

I can access my system from a remote PC:

To access your system remotely:

1.Open Internet Explorer and enter your DDNS address from the confirmation email. For example, tomsmith.lorexddns.net

2.Log in using your LAN user ID and password. See table below.

Remote/LAN Viewing

4/ 8/ 16 Channel


GUEST 7 1111

USER 8 2222

ADMIN 9 3333