Setup Window settings are automatically stored and are recalled in subsequent boot ups.


Mouse Speed

Display Intensity

Refresh Rate

Studio Name

Date and Time

Smart Save selection

Screen Saver

Load Last Session at Power-up

Advanced Graphics


Network Channel

Local Mixer Name

Alt I/O 1–8 assignments

Console Linking Options across the digital network (connected Digital 8•Bus consoles)

Digital I/O (Tape 1–24)

Tape I/O Card settings (Type, UV22, Input, Output)

Alt 1–8 Card settings (Type, Input, Output)

Stereo I/O settings (UV22, Status Bits, Digital In)

Sample rate

Apogee Clock status: Internal/Word Clock


Displays authorization status (locked or unlocked) of D8B plug-ins

Enables authorization of plug-ins

Displays mixer serial number

Mix Options

Aux 1–12 global Pre/Post selection

Selection of One Button Punch, Record Safe, Use PreRoll, Use Write Ready, Write Flyback, MIDI Snapshots, Solo Latch, Link Speakers, and Faders to Tape

Fader Motors Calibration

Dim Amount


Surround Mode selection

Bus arming

Clear bus assignments

Stereo Mode setup options


MIDI File Tempo Map loading and resetting

Default Tempo setting

Device ID selection

Song Offset

Pre-Roll time

FTP Server

Choose to allow FTP client

Set IP Address, Subnet, and Gateway

D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 98