See the Playback column in the Channel List (under Channel in the upper menu bar) for individual channel automation playback status.


Highlight this button to enable the recording of fader movements into automation.


Highlight this button to enable the recording of mute on/off selections into automation.


Highlight this button to enable the recording of pan and surround positions into automation.


Highlight this button to enable the recording of all other automation parameters besides fader, mute, and pan, into automation.


Highlight this button to enable automation data recording by simply moving an automation parameter control.

While automation is playing back, moving any selected parameter control begins instant recording of that automation parameter.


Highlight this button to move all faders to unity position for TRIM automation.

This status adds or subtracts the TRIM fader movement to or from all previous channel automation data.

Use this feature anytime you want to keep all previously recorded fader moves intact while offsetting the relative track level.


Click this button to hide the transport and record options in the Locator window.


Click this button to hide the cue list in the Locator window.

Mix Options Parameters

Anumber of transport-related options are available, which are mirrored in the Setup/Mix Options window. These include:

Single Btn Rec (One Button Punch) — puts connected record devices into record mode by simply pressing the RECORD button.

Use Write Ready — the Master Record button becomes the Master Write button.

Solo Latch — Solo buttons remain engaged even when a new Solo button is pressed.

Record Safe — prohibits engaging the RECORD function.

Write Flyback — causes the levels to snap back to their original punch-in states after an automation pass on a track.

Use PreRoll — causes playback transport to begin before the specified locate point based on the Pre- Roll time entered in the MIDI Setup window.

See Mix Options in the Setup section (page 69) for more information about these parameters.

Locator Parameters

The numeric transport position indicator can be set to SMPTE time, Bars/Beats/Ticks, or Milliseconds by clicking the corresponding option above the cues list, or by right-clicking in the numeric window and selecting the desired option in the pop-up menu.

New Cue

Click this button to create a new cue point.

The new cue point is created at the existing SMPTE, millisecond, or measure position.

Cue point readout changes form depending on the readout format selected in the main Locator window (SMPTE, Bars, Milliseconds.)

Delete Cue

Click this button to Delete the highlighted cue point(s) from the Cue list.


Cue points are ordered on the Cue list according to their Locator position (SMPTE, Bars, Milliseconds). If cue points are not created progressively from the beginning of the recording to the end, the Locator numbers (left of the Cue name) might become random. Click Renum to restructure the cue numbers into ascending order from the beginning of the recording to the end.

Store Cue

Click Store to enter the current Locator position into the highlighted Cue point.

If multiple cue points are highlighted, the Locator position is stored in the earliest occurring Cue point only.

D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 78