
It’s often convenient to eliminate a parameter or set of parameters from a snapshot change. If, for example, you’ve set all the basic EQs in the first snapshot, it might be efficient to filter EQ changes out of any new, or subsequently recalled, snapshots. In this way the original equalization settings remain active throughout.

Filters are selectable on each snapshot.

Parameters which can be filtered from changes are: Fader, EQ, Phase, Mute, Compression, Plugins, Pan, Gate, Direct Routing, Auxes, and Buses.


Double click in the description column of the desired snapshot to enter a text description, which is then saved with the snapshot data.

Don’t write your agent’s telephone number here, or say bad things about the guitar player...

Snapshot Edit Window

This provides access to the snapshot edit parameters. Simply click on the word “Edit” to reveal the snapshot edit parameter pull-down list.

New Snapshot (Alt+N)

Creates a new snapshot of the current mixer status throughout all parameters (channel and plug-in settings) except analog TRIM and the selection of MIC or LINE on channels 1–12.

Parameters not affected by snapshot recall are: Surround mode, Channel Key Input, ALT I/O Output assignment, Plug-in routing, Plug-in module

type and parameter values (loading/unloading of configuration), and Channel List settings.

Open Snapshot…

This opens a previously saved snapshot file from the disk. This is a very convenient feature that enables immediate recall over the mixer status for tracking, overdubs, mixdown, etc., such as a default mix setting.

Save Selection As

Saves current mixer snapshot selection (highlighted in the snapshot list) to a file for recall at a later date.

This is different from a stored snapshot in that it saves data in a file for retrieval, even from a different session. Snapshots, on the other hand, are stored specifically as a portion of a session file.

MIDI Channel

Determines the send channel for MIDI program change data sent by a snapshot recall.

The snapshot number is sent via a program change on the selected MIDI channel.

Store Snapshot

Updates the selected snapshot to the current settings on the D8B. This allows you to change a snapshot once it has been created.

Edit Playback Filter (Alt+I)

Opens the Snapshot Filter window.

Allows for elimination of specific parameter change information from snapshot data.

This window can also be opened by double- clicking the “Filtered:” field in the Snapshot window.

Unlock Snapshot

Allows the snapshot to be updated by the Store command.

An unlocked snapshot can be overwritten by storing data in the same snapshot number.

An unlocked snapshot is indicated by the open padlock to the left of the snapshot number in the snapshot list.

Lock Snapshot

Sets the snapshot to ignore updates.

A locked snapshot cannot be altered or overwritten.

Once you have stored a snapshot you’d rather not lose, lock it.

A locked snapshot is indicated by a closed padlock to the left of the snapshot number in the snapshot list.

Delete (Alt+Delete)

This removes the highlighted snapshot(s) from the snapshot list, even if they’re locked.

This cannot be undone.


Renumbers the snapshot list in ascending numerical order.

Select All (Ctrl+A)

Highlights all snapshots in the list.

All highlighted snapshots can be edited at once (e.g., locked, unlocked, filtered).

D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 72