•The blue bars with the pointers, located after Aux levels 9 and 11, are pan controls for Auxes 9/10 and 11/12.
•Click and drag left to pan left; click and drag right to pan right.
•Center pan position puts the pointer in the middle of the pan bar (the default setting).
•To copy an Aux pan across contiguous multiple channels,
• Highlight the EQ button to turn equalization on.
Quick EQ
You can adjust the EQ by
Decrease |
| Treble |
Bass |
| |
WideQ | NarrowQ | |
| |
| (or |
The blue box directly below the EQ on/off icon offers
•When EQ is on, adjustments to the overall EQ curve can be performed quickly without entering the Fat Channel.
•Click on the EQ line and drag up or down to boost or cut frequency ranges. All four bands can be adjusted here.
•Click on any boost or cut, then drag right to raise the selected frequency or left to lower it.
•Highlight the Compressor button (C) to turn the compressor on.
Gate On/Off•Highlight the Gate button (G) to turn the gate on.
Phase•Highlight Phase button (ø) to invert the channel polarity 180˚.
D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 45