You will need a MIDI interface with an available input and output port connected to your DAW. Connect the D8B’s MIDI output to the MIDI input on the interface and connect the MIDI output on the interface to the MIDI input on the D8B. Mac users will need to set up a device for their D8B under OMS (if you are using Pro Tools or Nuendo) or Free MIDI (if you are using Digital Performer).
Mac users launch OMS Setup (or Free MIDI Setup). Create a new device called HUI. Use the default settings and make sure you tell it the correct input and output ports that you are using. Save your setup and exit.
On the D8B, choose HUI Mode from the Options menu.
You will see a HUI button appear next to the master fader. Click it or use the control surface shortcut SHIFT+MASTER (keyboard shortcut is F5). The board and GUI will change to the HUI layer. All the faders will be at unity and the
Pro Tools: Go to Setups > Peripherals. Choose the MIDI Controllers tab. For the first available Type, choose HUI. Select the MIDI port you have connected to the D8B for both the Receive From and Send To. Click OK.
DP3.1: Go to Basics > Control Surface Setup. Set the Driver to HUI. Under MIDI, select the first channel. Click OK.
Nuendo: Go to Devices > Device Setup. Click the Add/Remove tab and choose Mackie HUI. Click the Add button and then click the Setup tab. Now choose Mackie HUI from the Devices list. Select the MIDI channel you have connected to the D8B for both the Input and Output. Click OK.
The D8B’s HUI layer faders should jump to the position of the first eight faders in the currently open session. If they don’t, repeat the above instructions.
For the D8B’s internal automation to function, you must also set up your DAW to send MIDI Time Code (MTC) to the D8B. This is done as follows:
Pro Tools: Go to Windows > Show Session Setup. On the left side of the window you will see a check box and
DP3.1: Go to Basics > Transmit Sync… Check the Send MTC check box and choose the MIDI port you have connected to the D8B.
Nuendo: Go to Transport > Sync Setup… Under Send MIDI Timecode, check the MIDI port you have connected to the D8B.
Now if you press Play, the blue time code read out (top right corner of the D8B GUI) should display the incoming time code. If, during play- back, it stays at all zeros, then the D8B is not receiving code properly and you should repeat the above instructions.
Your D8B is now connected correctly.
The real HUI (and thus the HUI layer) only has eight faders. To control more than eight faders in a DAW, we put bank buttons on the HUI to shift eight faders at a time to the right or left. This allows you access to all your faders in the DAW. Since the D8B doesn’t have bank left or right buttons (or many others that are on the HUI), we remapped the buttons on the D8B HUI layer to perform different functions when in HUI Mode.
D8B Manual • Appendices • page 165