The more of these key commands you learn, the faster and more efficient you’ll be at recording. Some adjustments are necessary on the control surface or with the mouse, but many control settings flow very quickly from the keyboard. Once you begin to incorporate these into your routine you’ll quickly realize the power and creative freedom they offer. See Appendix D (Shortcuts) for a more comprehensive list of hot keys and shortcuts.
These personal preference settings are straight ahead. What’s the date and time? Do you like the mouse to be quick and nimble or a bit more deliberate? What’s the best refresh rate for your video monitor? Enter your studio name here and it automatically appears in the Track Sheet.
Display Intensity refers to the control surface VFD display, not the computer monitor display.
Smart Save is a function that automatically saves your session every five minutes. Check the Create New Files box to save the session as a new session without overwriting the previously saved version. Check “Load Last Session at
If you have an older CPU for the D8B (166 MHz Pentium), the enhanced graphics in the GUI may cause screen redraws to be slower than you are accustomed to. Deselecting the Advanced Graphics checkbox will speed up screen redraws.
Note: Changing the Advanced Graphics setting requires rebooting the D8B to take effect.
NetworkThis command closes all open floating windows.
The Desktop Window (Ctrl+D)
The Desktop is where files are saved, named, copied, and organized. See the description in this chapter under the File menu (page 52).
The Network Setup window allows any number of consoles that are on the same Network Channel to either generate or receive common
D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 66