Link Option controller actions. There are eight Network Channels that are not unlike TV channels via Ethernet, where the console has a unique Device Name (like 'Jolene' or 'Spike') and after setting the Device Name and assigning one of the eight Network Channels, the console may then join the party.
Consoles are normally linked
Note: All of these Ethernet messages are broadcast from any given control surface that is
Another Note: All D8Bs in a network must have a unique IP address. See “FTP Server” on page 71 for more info.
Network Channel•Each Digital 8•Bus assigned to the same Network Channel is linked according to the functions selected in the Console Linking options.
•Communication between devices is dependent on common network channel numbers. All devices assigned to Network Channel 1 communicate together and act as one console across the selected Console Linking options. All devices on Network Channel 2 communicate; all devices on Network Channel 3 communicate; etc.
•Communication between all devices sharing a common Network Channel is bidirectional on common Link Option selections.
Local Mixer Name•This simply allows the D8B to be given a unique name for identification purposes across the network.
Alt I/O•This provides for the routing of the audio signals from Aux
•This provides the selection of control signals that are sent or received on the Ethernet connection.
•When multiple D8Bs are linked together via their individual Ethernet connections, they communicate and respond according to the selections in the Link Options list.
•Whichever parameters are selected are transmitted and received across the network on two or more D8Bs.
•Whichever parameters are not selected act independently on each individual D8B.
Console Linking options are enabled and disabled according to what control surface actions you want to have linked on two or more consoles assigned to the same Network Channel.
•Fader Banks: This option provides for bank selection across the network from any Digital 8•Bus sharing a common Network Channel number.
•Aux Strip: This option links the selection of any aux bus across the network. For example, if Aux 1 is selected on any networked Digital 8•Bus console, it will be selected on all networked Digital 8•Bus consoles with Aux Strip selected.
•Bus Assign: This links the BUS ASSIGN selection across the network. For example, selecting Bus
•Cue Controls: This links the Phones/Cue selection across the network. For example, selecting any parameter in the PHONES/CUE MIX 1 section selects that parameter in each networked D8B with Cue Controls selected.
•Solo Logic: This links the SOLO/STUDIO selection across the network. For example, selecting any solo or studio status in the SOLO/ STUDIO section selects that status in each networked D8B with Solo Logic selected.
•Speakers: This links the Speaker selection across the network, including NEAR FIELD, MAIN, MONO, and DIM.
•Sample Rate: This links the sample rate setting across the network. Selection of a sample rate status on any networked Digital•8 Bus sets the sample rate on the others with Sample Rate selected. This link syncs the sample rate setting but not the source setting (Apogee Clock Internal or Word Clock setting). Word clock connections must still be made using real live cables.
•Automation: This links the automation control across the network. For example, enabling automation by selecting ALL in the AUTOMATION section, enables ALL automation in each networked D8B with Automation selected.
Digital I/OThe Digital I/O setup window allows you to make input and output settings for the I/O cards that are installed in the Tape In/Out card slots.
The D8B automatically senses the card configurations and provides selection and patching options accordingly.
D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 67