•Click the ACTIVE button to turn on the compressor for the selected channel.
•Click the MENU button to Open, Save, Reset, Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste a Compressor patch.
•Each MEMory stores the most recent MEM A or MEM B EQ settings made for the selected channel.
•Click either of these memory positions to instantly recall the stored settings.
•Ideal for making quick A/B comparisons between compressor settings.
Note: Soft Knee, Meter View, and Meter Mode are not stored in the MEM A or MEM B settings.
GATEThe meter in the Gate section indicates either the input signal level or the amount of gain reduction, depending on the setting of the METERING switch next to the meter. This setting is global and is not recalled with any individual channel. The default meter setting is IN (Input level).
The Input Signal meter displays the channel’s input signal, as measured at the
When there is no signal applied, the Reduction meter indicates 0 dB of reduction, with the needle all the way to the right. As the signal level decreases below the Threshold setting of the Gate, the needle drops down, indicating the amount of gain reduction being applied at any given moment in time, to a maximum of 20 dB of reduction. With normal gating the amount of reduction is “minus infinity” (or OFF). With EXPAND turned on, the amount of reduction is determined by the RATIO setting. Click on the meter to change to the alternate meter view. This can be useful for lower- level signals.
The red LED, near the top of the meter, is a “gate threshold” indicator and lights up to indicate when the Gate is on.
•Determines the level at which the gate acts on the incoming signal. It is calibrated in decibels, ranging from
•Determines how fast the gate opens once the threshold has been exceeded. It is calibrated in milliseconds, ranging from 0.1 ms to 2500 ms (2.5 seconds).
•Determines how fast the gate closes once the signal falls below the threshold. It is calibrated in milliseconds, ranging from 10.0 ms to 2500 ms (2.5 seconds).
RANGE•Determines the amount of gain reduction applied to the signal once the signal level drops below the threshold. It is calibrated in decibels, ranging from 0 dB to 100 dB.
EXPAND•Activates the expansion function of the gate. The RANGE control is removed and a RATIO control appears.
D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 87