Use the on-screen knob to adjust the channel digital trim.

Press Control while clicking the knob to set the Digital Trim to unity gain.


Highlight this button to put the selected channel into automation Write Ready mode.

This cannot be activated when the console is in automation BYPASS mode.


Pan channel in the L/R spectrum.

Control-click on the PAN button to snap to center position.

In surround mode, a miniature panner is displayed instead of the rotary pan control. Double-click to open a larger surround window.


Highlight SOLO to solo the channel.

Press “O” on the keyboard to solo the selected channel(s).

Press “P” on the keyboard to release the SOLO status on the selected channels.


Highlight MUTE to mute the channel.

Press “M” on the keyboard to mute the selected channels.

Press the comma key on the keyboard to release the mutes on the selected channels.


Use the on-screen fader to adjust the selected channel level.

Press Control while clicking anywhere in the fader throw area to snap the fader to unity gain.


Click the PATCH button to insert a channel, aux, bus, return, or plug-in into the signal path before the channel’s DSP.

This insert is at the beginning of the signal path, just after the A/D converter and before Digital Trim, EQ, Dynamics or other processing.


Click the PATCH button to insert a plug-in into the signal path post EQ, Dynamics, and other processing.


Use another channel’s audio to trigger the dynamic processor of the selected channel.

Click the PATCH button to select the key input source.


Use this window to filter the dynamics key input. This is often necessary to properly trigger the dynamics processor. For example, compress over- sibilant vocals by accentuating the mid/high frequencies feeding the dynamics key input.

This EQ is edited as described for other EQ edit operations.

KEY Button: This enables use of the Dynamics EQ by stealing the fourth band of EQ from the selected channel’s equalizer to filter the Dynamics Key input.

EQ IN Button: Activates the Dynamics EQ on the Key signal. This can be used to automate the Dynamics EQ.

Tip: These two buttons sound pretty similar in operation, so here is the skinny on how they work together. If you plan to use Dynamics EQ on a session, then enable the KEY button on the desired channel(s). As stated, this steals the channel’s fourth EQ band for Dynamics EQ purposes.

Even though the KEY button is on, the Dy-

namics EQ is not yet affecting the Key signal. This only occurs once the EQ IN button is pressed. So in most cases you will click both buttons and adjust your Dynamics EQ to taste. If you wish to use Dynamics EQ on some sections of a session but not others, then automate the EQ IN button but leave the Key button enabled.

Allowing only a single band of EQ for the Dynamics EQ might not sound like much, but this is one flexible band. Double-click in the DYNAMICS EQ window to open the expanded EQ view (BAND 4 EQ TO DYN) for more detailed editing. Here you can select the EQ type for the Dynamics EQ. Selections include Parametric (Para), High Shelving (Shelf), High-Pass Filter (HP), and Low- Pass Filter (LP).

The Panning Window (Ctrl+7)

This window is extremely useful in an active surround mixing environment. All the basic surround pan function are available for each channel (mics, tape, FX, and returns).

Note: The panning window functions are only active when a surround mode is selected.

D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 89