Snap Grid Drop-Down Box

Click here to select the “Snap To Grid” parameter. Selections include Rule Mrks, Minutes, Seconds, and Frames for SMTPE time, and Bar, 1/2 Note, 1/2 Note Triplet, 1/4 Note, 1/4 Note Triplet, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Triplet, 1/16 Note, and 1/16 Note Triplet for Bars:Beats:Ticks.

Insert New Cue

Click this button to insert a new cue the current time cursor point.

Insert New Event

This button opens the New Event window for inserting new events, as described in the Event Track section.

Mute All Events

• Click this button to disable all automation events.

Unmute All Events

• Click this button to enable all automation events.

S Button

Click the “S” button (at the right side of the time line) to return the Mix Editor to the start of the session.

C Button

Click the “C” button (at the right side of the time line) to return the Mix Editor to the current time code cursor position.

Cue Points and Event Markers

Tabs along the top of the time line indicate cue points and event markers. Simply click and drag the cue point tabs or event markers to reposition them in the Mix Editor window.

Performance Note: For optimum graphic update performance during automation and playback, it is best to close all windows other than the Mix Editor.

Commit Event

Event automation is convenient for many types of sessions. However, sometimes you may need to edit an event further, or maybe you want to start a session with snapshot automation and then add some dynamic automation to it. The act of turning an event into dynamic automation is called committing an event. The event automation is turned into dynamic automation nodes. Automation nodes are added to the Mix Editor tracks, and horizontal automation lines extend to the right, along the automation track. How far they go is dependant upon the options selected when committing the event.

Right-click an event in the Mix Editor and choose “Commit Event” to open the Commit Event dialog box.

Mix Editor Before Commit:

Commit until Time: The automation is committed from the time of the event until the selected time. Use this if you want to commit a snapshot from 2:00 to 4:00, for example. After the specified time, the automation returns to the previous existing value. This is similar to how write flyback works. In the example below, an event consisting of a snapshot with all faders at maximum was committed until the 00:02:00:00 time.

After Commit Until Time:

Commit until Next Node: Automation is written at the time of the event until the next existing node on the track. This is done on a track-by-track basis so depending on when the next node occurs, the automation may be written for a short (channel 3 below) or long (channel 4 below) period of time. If there is no node following the commit time on a particular parameter, then automation will be written to the end of the session on that parameter (channel 2 below).

D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 82