These are indicated on-screen by clicking the question mark button in the upper right corner.

The left side of the screen provides a map of the control section of the D8B, with numerical references over many of the buttons and a list of the HUI functions provided by each button. For example, button number 12 (Aux 11-12 from the picture) is HUI bank right. So press this to access the next eight faders in your DAW to the right. The on-screen mixer changes and so does the HUI Layer.

When you go back to Bank 1-4 on the D8B, some of these buttons revert back to their normal operation. Aux 11-12 is an example. But other buttons, like the D8B transport, will retain their HUI Control Mapping no matter what bank you are on, as long as HUI mode is enabled. Controls that behave like this are called Global HUI Controls. The HUI Layer Control Mapping chart tells you which controls are Global and which are not. Remember Global controls always function as described when HUI mode is on, while non-Global controls only have the described function when the HUI layer is visible.

Let’s look a little closer at the HUI layer in sections:

First we have the eight HUI faders. These and their associated buttons are self-explanatory. But the Write button can be confusing, so pay attention when we get to that in the following paragraphs.

There will be a quiz at the end (just kidding!).

The D8B’s Aux section (buttons 1-13) near the top of the board has similar functionality in HUI layer. These buttons appear above the master fader on the HUI layer GUI. Aux1-Aux5 switch the HUI Layer V-Pots from the pan function to control-

D8B Manual • Appendices • page 166