Magnify Tool

Use this tool to select specific data lengths and to expand the data time to fill the overview screen.

Click and drag with the Magnify tool to zoom into a specific area. Double-click to double the magnification.

Hold the Control key while in magnify mode to toggle between zoom in and zoom out.

Eraser Tool

Use this tool to click on and remove the data inflection nodes.

Zoom Arrows

The four green zoom arrows at the top of the channel/parameter list expand and contract the time axis (left and right arrows) and change the displayed number of automation tracks or parameters (up and down arrows) when clicked with the mouse.

The keyboard arrows are mapped to control the same view display changes when the Mix Editor is open, using modifier keys as follows:

Press the Alt key on the keyboard along with the left/right arrows to scroll across the Mix Editor timeline.

Press the Control key along with the left arrow on the keyboard to zoom out.

Press the Control key along with the right arrow on the keyboard to zoom in.

Press the Alt key along with the up/down arrows on the keyboard to scroll up and down the channel/parameter list.

Press the Control key along with the up/down arrows on the keyboard to vertically zoom in on the channel/parameter list.

The resolution of these moves is relative to the current screen resolution, so the greater the zoom- in value, the finer the resolution of any modifications.

Using the nudge arrows is a good way to toggle mute events on and off by highlighting regions on a mute track and simply nudging up or down to change mute states.

Time Code Displays

Three time code displays indicate the highlighted region start and end points, and the current cursor position (displayed in either SMPTE or BBT).

Values may be manually entered in the Start/End point fields for specific edits.

When adjusting an event or cue, the cursor display changes to indicate the event or cue start time.

Auto Follow

This feature causes the Mix Editor to change views on the fly. When enabled, Auto Follow updates the Mix Editor to focus on any parameter you touch (by channel and function).

Auto Scroll

When enabled, Auto Scroll updates the Mix Editor to scroll the screen past the timeline cursor, located at the screen’s halfway point.

Nodes Left

The box under the Auto-Follow button displays Node availability.

The maximum number of automation nodes you can use is directly related to the amount of RAM in your D8B CPU.

Four Nudge Arrows

These arrows are located in the Mix Editor control palette immediately to the left of the Cursor, Start, and End time windows.

When these arrows are clicked with the mouse, highlighted data regions are moved back and forth in time (left-right arrows), or values within the highlighted regions are incrementally increased or decreased by using the up-down arrows.

Enable Snap

Click this button to enable the selected “Snap To” function (see below).

Snap To Cues

Click this button to allow the highlighter tool to snap to a cue point when in the vicinity of a cue marker.

Snap To Grid

Click this button to allow the highlighter tool or a cue to snap to the grid, as defined in the Snap Grid Drop-Down box (see next paragraph).

D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 81