
Using these sliders, you can adjust the gender of each of the four harmony voices. So, what is this gender thing?

gender (jen’der) m. 1. The condition or quality of being of the male or female sex.

In IVL Vocal Studio, “Gender” will give your harmony voices distinct character. When the gender amount is set at 0 (in the middle) there is no gender effect applied to the harmony voice. As you lower the gender amount, more male qualities are introduced into the voice. As you raise the gender amount, more female qualities are introduced into the voice. This is the control that gets you that deep bottom end you have been undoubtedly waiting for.


The detune sliders can be adjusted independently for each harmony voice. Detune is like a fine-tune adjustment on a keyboard. The detune amount ranges from –50 cents to +50 cents (50 cents is equal to 1 semitone). There is also a “normal” or “random” button located in the top-right corner of the detune window. When “normal” is selected, the detune amounts are fixed at their settings. With “random” selected, the detune amounts are randomly generated from 0 detune to the setting for each harmony voice. Detune is very useful for two different applications:

1.Harmonies: Detuning each harmony voice can create natural-sounding harmonies. In real life nobody sings perfectly in tune, so why should the IVL Vocal Studio have to?

2.Doubling: Detuning unison harmony voices can create the fattest of phat vocal sounds without singing a vocal line four times.


These sliders provide individual level control over your voices. If you are in QUAD output mode, VOLUME edit will not be available; volume will be controlled via the four assigned aux return faders. If you are using the Vocal Studio in Stereo output mode you will want to mix your voices using the Vocal Studio volume controls.


Now the sliders are going the other way! The pan controls are used to place your harmony voices in a stereo field. Just as with the volume controls, you will want to set your pan controls differently depending on which output mode you are using. When in QUAD output mode, PAN is not available to edit. Instead, you control the pan on their dedicated aux returns.

D8B Manual • Appendices • page 147