Move a channel fader

As soon as the fader moves, the WRITE button illuminates, indicating automation data is being recorded.

Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track

Stop playback or press the WRITE button on the active channels to exit automation record mode. Rewind playback/Record device to the beginning of the automation pass.

Start Playback from Beginning of Track

If you’ve followed these directions thoroughly you’ll see the fader move that you recorded playback automatically.

Welcome to the wonderful world of D8B automation!

Repeat this Action for More Parameters

Be sure you’ve selected the desired parameter before attempting the automation pass.

Each time you perform a new automation pass, new data combines with the old in a seamless manner. Continue building the mix until everything is just right.

Note: Auto Touch mode does not require any channel selection for automation to record! Simply move virtually any parameter on any channel to activate the record status for that channel on that automation parameter.

Write Ready Mode

It’s possible to build an entire mix using Auto Touch mode. It is easy to use, easy to build on, and it offers incredible creative flexibility. How- ever, there are instances where Write Ready mode provides the perfect mode for a particular task.

Write Ready Mode is very useful when several channels must be placed into automation record mode at the same time.

Toggle the AUTO TOUCH button off Activate the Desired Automation Parameters

Engage FADERS, MUTES, PAN, and/or ALL in the same manner as previously described.

Select Write Ready Mode

This option is located in the Setup>Mix Options window as “Use Write Ready” and in the Options/Automation Menu as “Write Ready Mode.”

In this mode, the Transport RECORD button is necessary for completing an automation pass.

Press WRITE on All Desired Automation Channels

The yellow light or icon blinks, indicating record-ready status.

Start the Playback Device

Even when the playback device starts, the automation system remains in ready status (yellow lights blinking) until the RECORD button is pressed in the control surface Transport section or the on-screen Locator window.

Press the D8B Record Button

Press the RECORD button on the control surface in the transport control section or in the on-screen Locator window.

Once record status has been achieved, the blinking yellow lights remain solid until the transport stops or the WRITE button is pressed.

For the write-ready channels, fader, mute, and pan au- tomation data is written as soon as record is pressed.

For all other parameters (other than fader, mute, and pan), even though RECORD is pressed, automation data isn’t actually recorded until a parameter change is made.

Note: Operation characteristics of the Transport RECORD button are determined by the settings in the Setup>Mix Options window. Select “One Button Punch” to enable record status by simply pressing the RECORD button alone. If “One Button Punch” is not selected you must hold PLAY while pressing RECORD to enter record mode. Press Play or Stop to punch out of record.

Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track Start Playback from Beginning of Track Repeat this Action for More Parameters Write Punch-in Mode

This mode functions in a very similar fashion to Write Ready mode. However, in this mode the Transport RECORD button is not needed.

Exit AUTO TOUCH ModeDeselect Write Ready Mode

This option is available in the Setup>Mix Options Menu and in the Setup>Mix Options window

Start Playback Device, then Press the Write Button(s) on the Desired Channels

In this mode, pressing the channel WRITE buttons immediately places the channels into automation record mode.

Pressing an active WRITE button (yellow light solidly on) immediately punches out of automation record mode for that channel.

Adjust Automation Parameters on the WRITE- Enabled Channels

It’s always important to verify the correct selection of intended automation parameters.

Exit Record and Rewind to Beginning of Track Start Playback from Beginning of Track Repeat this Action for More Parameters

Trim Levels

This mode is perfect for updating sections of a mix. If you’ve worked and toiled over a track throughout a mix, adjusting the levels frequently, try TRIM mode.

This valuable mode simply adds or subtracts the same amount from a previously adjusted automation track. For example, when used for faders, all moves are maintained but the overall volume changes.

D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 139