Getting Started ♦ 5
Questions about Resilient Talk StateWhat is Resilient Talk State?
Resiliency gives your network the ability to handle calls and provide voice mail
service in the event of a 3300 ICP system failure or a network-level failure.
When a failure occurs, the 5550 IP Console goes into "Resilient Talk State"
while it attempts to switch to a secondary 3300 ICP. All calls in talk state at the
time of failure remain connected to the console. You will know that the console
is in Resilient Talk State by the presence of icons (described below) in the
Console Status area.
What is "fail over"?
"Fail over" occurs when the 5550 IP Console is in the process of connecting to
a secondary or alternate 3300 ICP following a system failure. Note that call
handling features such as Hold, Transfer, Conference and Page are not
available during "fail over". Once "fail over" is complete, call handling features
become available again.
What does in the Console Status area signify?
The console is connected to the primary 3300 ICP and operating normally.
What does in the Console Status area signify?
The console is connected to an alternate or secondary 3300 ICP—not the
original or primary 3300 ICP.
What does in the Console Status area signify?
Switching between 3300 ICPs is in progress. The console is in "fail over" state.
What does in the Console Status area signify?
Repeated attempts to connect to a primary or secondary 3300 ICP have failed.
The console will continue trying until a connection is established.
What do I do when the 5550 IP Console is in "fail over" state?
Take a message or ask the caller to call back later (fail over state usually lasts
less than 30 seconds). Once the console has connected to a 3300 ICP, will
appear in the Console Status area, and you will be able to resume normal