Chapter 18. Webmail

18.2. Starting Webmail

To use webmail, a user first needs a valid user account and password on your server. Next, the user opens up a web browser and points it to your server using an address resembling the following URL:

The https in the URL indicates this connection uses SSL encryption and provides a secure communication session.

Note: The exact address used in the URL will depend on how you have configured your server. In the example above, www.tofu-dog.compoints to the server located at The Pagan Vegan and https indicates that they are using secure communication using SSL encryption. If you choose to provide insecure access, which we do not recommend, the URL would begin with http instead of https. You will need to provide your users with whatever URL will get them to your server.

Note that if your server is behind another fire wall, that fire wall will need to allow traffic through on TCP port 443 in order for SSL connections to take place.

18.3. Logging In

Once connected, a user will immediately be confronted with a login screen similar to that shown in the screen below. From this screen you can read the help menu (by clicking on the link for New User Introduction at the top of the page) or login with your normal network user ID and password. Note that IMP supports a wide variety of languages for users for whom English is not their native language. (Or who have some desire to have menus in a different language!)

18.4. Viewing The Inbox

Once logged in, you will see your inbox, as shown in screen below.


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Mitel SME Server V5 with ServiceLink manual Starting Webmail, Logging, Viewing The Inbox