DCT3080 Installation Manual
Frequency The center frequency of the channel to which the DOCSIS upstream channel receiver is tuned. It can be 5 to 42 MHz. If the value is invalid or cannot be retrieved, Carrier Lock is NO; if DOCSIS is not enabled, N/A is displayed.
Mode The DOCSIS upstream channel modulation: QPSK, QAM 8, QAM 16, QAM 32, QAM 64, or QAM 128. If the value is invalid or cannot be retrieved, or DOCSIS is not enabled, N/A is displayed.
Channel The upstream channel identifier 0 to 255. If the value is invalid
ID or cannot be retrieved, or DOCSIS is not enabled, N/A is displayed.
Power The upstream channel power level in dBmV. If the value is
Level invalid or cannot be retrieved, or DOCSIS is not enabled, 000 is displayed.
Symbol The upstream channel symbol rate in
Rate second. If the value is invalid or cannot be retrieved, or DOCSIS is not enabled, 0.000 is displayed.
Known MAC Displays up to 32 MAC addresses learned by the DCT3080
Addresses cable modem, including the