DCT3080 Installation Manual
There is no video on the TV screen
No closed captions display
There are black bars above and below the picture
There are black bars on all four sides of the picture
The cable terminal is making a humming noise.
Possible Solutions
Verify that the TV is powered on and set to the appropriate input source for the cable terminal.
Verify that the cable terminal is powered on and tuned to an authorized cable channel.
Verify that all video cables between the cable terminal and the TV are firmly connected.
Verify that the coaxial cable feed is firmly connected to the cable terminal and the wall jack.
If the cable terminal is connected to a home theater unit, verify that the home theater unit is powered on and set to the appropriate input source.
Press the • key to cycle through the available output formats until a picture displays on the TV.
Verify on the User Settings menu that closed captions are enabled on the cable terminal.
Verify that closed captions are enabled on the TV.
Some SD programs are broadcast in the letterbox format with black bars above and below the picture. Some widescreens TVs offer a zoom feature that may be able to remove the black bars. Note: If tuned to HD and the TV Type = 4:3 LETTERBOX, black bars will appear above and below the picture. Try setting the TV Type to 4:3 PAN/SCAN to get a
A broadcaster may include black bars on either side of a wide screen broadcast. This is called a “hybrid” aspect ratio and results in a black border surrounding the video on a 4:3 TV. Because this is part of the broadcast, the cable terminal cannot correct the video. Borders can be eliminated by selecting the 4:3 PAN/SCAN option on the TV Type setting.
The DCT3080 includes an integrated hard drive and a fan for cooling. During normal operation, the DCT3080 emits a low humming noise, similar to a personal computer. The noise varies in volume occasionally when the speed of the internal fan adjusts to changes in the temperature around the DCT3080. Please note the hard drive will stay on even when the DCT3080 is turned off.