MultiVOIP FXS Quick Start Guide | Connectivity Test |
8. Read console messages recorded on HyperTerminal.
Console Messages from Originating VOIP. The voip unit that originates the call will send back messages like that shown below.
[00026975] | CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1,Pstn State[1] TimeStamp : 26975 |
[00027190] | CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1 |
[00027190] | PSTN: cas seizure detected on 0 |
[00027440] | CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 0, 0, 0, 0 |
[00033290] | PSTN:call detected on 0 num=17637175662* |
[00033290] SIP[0]:destAddr = TA:,NAME:Mounds | |
| View,TEL:17637175662,17637175662 |
[00033290] SIP[0]:srcAddr = NAME:New York,TA: | |
[00033440] | SIP [0]:cmCallStateProceeding |
[00033500] | SIP[0]: Remote Information (Q931): MultiVOIP - T1 |
[00033565] | CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1 |
[00033675] | SIP [0]: MasterSlaveStatus=Slave |
[00033675] | SIP[0]:FastStart Setup Not Used |
[00033690] | CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1 |
[00033755] | SIP[0]: Coder used 'g7231' |
[00033810] | PSTN:pstn call connected on 0 |
Console Messages from Terminating VOIP. The voip unit connected to the phone where the call is answered will send back messages like that shown below.
[00170860] | SIP[0]: New incoming call |
[00170860] | PSTNIF : Placing call on channel 0 Outbound digit 7175662 |
[00170885] | CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1 |
[00171095] | SIP [0]: MasterSlaveStatus=Master |
[00171105] | CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1,Pstn State[7] TimeStamp : 171105 |
[00171105] | SIP[0]: Coder used 'g7231' |
[00171110] | SIP[0]:FastStart Setup Not Used |
[00171110] | SIP[0]: Already opened the outgoing logical channel |
[00171110] | SIP[0]: Coder used 'g7231' |
[00171315] | CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 0, 0, 0, 0,Pstn State[9] TimeStamp : 171315 |
[00172275] | PSTN: dialing digit ended on 0 |
[00172285] | PSTN: pstn proceeding indication on 0 |
[00172995] | CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1,Pstn State[12] TimeStamp : 172995 |
[00173660] | CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1 |
[00173760] | PSTN:pstn call connected on 0 |
9.When you see the following message,
where x is the number of the voip channel carrying the call
10.If the HyperTerminal messages do not confirm connectivity, go to the Troubleshooting procedure below.