Technical Configuration |
| MultiVOIP FXS User Guide | ||
| Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) |
| |
| Coder Parameters |
| |
| Coder | Manual or | Determines whether selection of coder is manual or |
| Auto- | automatic. When Automatic is selected, the local and |
| matic | remote voice channels will negotiate the voice coder to be |
| used by selecting the highest bandwidth coder supported by |
| both sides without exceeding the Max Bandwidth setting. |
| G.723, G.729, or G.711 are negotiated. |
| Selected | G.711 a/u | Select from a range of coders with specific bandwidths. The |
| Coder | law 64 | higher the bps rate, the more bandwidth is used. The |
| kbps; | channel that you are calling must have the same voice coder |
| G.726, @ | selected. |
| 32 kbps; | Default = G.723.1 @ 6.3 kbps. Here 64K of digital voice are |
| G.723.1 @ |
| |
| 6.3 kbps; | compressed to 6.3K, allowing several simultaneous |
| G.729, | conversations over the same bandwidth that would |
| 8kbps; | otherwise carry only one. |
| To make selections from the Selected Coder |
| the Manual option must be enabled. |
| Max | 11 – 128 | This field lets you specify the maximum bandwidth allowed | |
| bandwidth | kbps | for this channel. |
| (coder) |
| If coder is to be selected automatically (“Auto” setting), |
| then enter a value for maximum bandwidth. |
| AutoCall Parameters |
| |
| Auto Call | AutoCall | The AutoCall option enables the local MultiVOIP to call a remote |
| MultiVOIP without the user having to dial a Phone Directory |
| Database number. As soon as you access the local MultiVOIP |
| voice/fax channel, the MultiVOIP immediately connects to the |
| remote MultiVOIP identified in the Phone Number box of this |
| option. |
| This function applies on a |
| be appropriate for this function to be applied to a channel that |
| serves in a pool of available channels for general phone traffic. |
| This function requires an entry in the Outgoing phonebook of the |
| local MultiVOIP and a matched setting in the Inbound Phonebook |
| of the remote voip. |
| Phone | Phone number used for Auto Call function or Offhook Alert Timer |
| |
| Number |
| function. This phone number must correspond to an entry in the |
| Outbound Phonebook of the local MultiVOIP and in the Inbound |
| Phonebook of the remote MultiVOIP (unless a gatekeeper unit is |
| used in the voip system). |