| |
Warning | Disk Use Failed <%FE_ERR%> | A disk error has occurred. | |
| Press <Stop> key | Press the Stop button to clear the error. | |
| %FS_ERR%: | |
| 0 - General error | |
| 1- Volume not available | |
| 3 - File not found | |
| 4 - No free file descriptors | |
| 5 - Invalid number of bytes | |
| 6 - File already exists | |
| 7 - Illegal name | |
| 8 - Cant del root | |
| 9 - Not file | |
| 10 | - Not directory |
| 11 | - Not same volume |
| 12 | - Read only |
| 13 | - Root dir full |
| 14 | - Dir not empty |
| 15 | - Bad disk |
| 16 | - No label |
| 17 | - Invalid parameter |
| 18 | - No contig space |
| 19 | - Cant change root |
| 20 | - FD obsolete |
| 21 | - Deleted |
| 22 | - No block device |
| 23 | - Bad seek |
| 24 | - Internal error |
| 25 | - Write only |
| |
Warning | <%PUFLASH%> Flash Error | %PUFLASH% | |
| PU |
| Tray 2 | |
| Tray 3 | |
| Duplex | |
| |
Warning | Received invalid data. | A job has been deleted due to corrupt | |
| Press <Stop> key | data being detected by the integrity | |
| verification in authentication printing. | ||
| ||
| |
Warning | Received invalid data. | An unsupported PDL command has | |
| Press <Stop> key | been received or a spool command has | |
| been received without HDD. | ||
| ||
| |
Warning | Remove the connected USB device. | Indicates that an unsupported USB | |
| Unsupported USB device is connected. | device is connected. | |
| |
| This message will be displayed until the | |
| unsupported USB device disconnected. | |
Troubleshooting > 160