Network Set Up
The unit must also be set up properly on your network to perform scan to
1.IP Address Set:
2.IP Address: . . .
3.Subnet mask:. . .
4.Gateway IP:. . .
5.DNS server:. . .
6.SMTP server:. . .
7.SMTP port:25
8.POP3 server: . . .
9.POP3 Port:110
1.IP Address Set:
Choose Auto to obtain IP/subnet/gateway addresses automatically from a DHCP server. After changing the setting from Manual to Auto, the unit will automatically reboot the network card.
2.IP Address:
The Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to your machine by your network administrator.
3.Subnet Mask:
The net mask address assigned by your network administrator.
4.Gateway IP:
The gateway IP address assigned by your network administrator.
5.SMTP Server:
The IP address of your SMTP Mail Server assigned by your network administrator.
6.SMTP Port:
The port number of your SMTP Mail Server.
7.DNS server:
The IP address of DNS Server assigned by your network administrator.
8.POP3 Server:
The IP address of your POP3 server.
9.POP3 Port
The port number of your POP3 Server.
Enter the DNS name, or IP and port number of your POP3 server if your mail server requires POP3 authentication, before sending
You must also set up the “Define from” details to allow
Configuring Your Machine > 24