1.4.2 Full Devic e Server St art up
CompuFax is composed of a main executable image and several other images that support various features. The startup command file defines logicals, creates directories and installs the correct images on the system.
Start the CompuFax Full Device Server $ @FAX$DIR:FAX_SYSTARTUP
Warning: Full Device Server and Remote Fax Server startup procedures are never executed on the same node. Verify the startup procedure was successful and CompuFax processes are running:
VAX/ VMS V5.5 on node TEST
00000120 Fax DB LEF 4 19 0 00:00:01.00 232 223
00000122 Fax Server LEF 9 162722 0 00:40:31.54 88398 841 00000126 Fax_Mail LEF 9 2914 0 00:02:21.77 62141 101 S 00000127 Fax_Cvt LEF 2 77 0 00:00:22.63 4233 1155
Invoke the command below to create the symbol FAX as a command: $ @FAX$DIR:FAX_SYLOGIN
Enter the @FAX$DIR:FAX_SYSTARTUP command in into your system startup command file and the @FAX$DIR:FAX_SYLOGIN into your
Index Device name Type Class State Entries # Sent # Rec 1 LTA9008: Class 2 0 On Line 0 0 0
Note: If you are evaluating the product without a modem, the device name will be NLA0.
Once communication has been established and the device is
1.4.3 Rem ot e Fax Server Inst allat ion
Use VMSINSTAL to load the correct files onto your system. If you performed the steps described in the Section 1.2.5 section and copied the save set to disk, replace
Substitute the correct product name in the above command; FAX for a VAX system or FAX_AXP for an Alpha AXP system.
After VMSINSTAL begins to restore the product save set, you will be asked several questions. Answer the ones displayed here as follows:
Is this node a FAX Full Device Server node? (Y/ N) [Y]: No
* Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? No