2.The install procedure now asks for the disk to install CompuFax on. This should be a disk that is mounted and available during system startup.
3.A journal file of all faxes sent may now be generated by CompuFax. This file is a
4.The SEND command now supports a / COMMENT= "xxx" qualifier which will allow user information to be included with the log file, journal file and completion notification information.
5.It is now possible to force user MAIL notification of completed FAXes by adding the / MAIL qualifier to the SEND command even if MAIL notification has been disabled in the server options file, FAX$DIR:FAX.OPTIONS.
6.CompuFax now supports the transmission of files in PostScript format. Files with an extension of .PS are assumed to be PostScript or the / FORMAT qualifier may be used with SEND to force a file to be processed as PostScript. FAXes which contain PostScript are placed in a separate queue while they are converted to FAX format. A new qualifier, / POSTSCRIPT, has been added to the SHOW QUEUE command to display this queue.
Command processor commands SHOW POSTSCRIPT and SET POSTSCRIPT have been added to display and modify PostScript settings.
7.CompuFax now supports the input of T4 (FAX format) data as well as the input of PostScript data. A / FORMAT qualifier has been added to the server options DEVICE command to allow the data format of the logo file to be specified. The distribution file CF_REC.H describes the format of T4 files.
8.The MAIL interface no longer uses the `Subject: ' prompt for optional qualifiers. Qualifiers, if specified,
should now be included in the response to the `To: ' prompt.
For example: To: FAX%"12135551212/ AFTER= TOMORROW"
9.The Mail interface now puts headers, similar to mail message headers, into faxed documents. This includes: `From: ', `To: ', `CC: ' (if used), and `Subj: '.
10.Device initialization strings now can contain, in addition to previously accepted formats:
a)new control character format (e.g. < ^Z> ), b) decimal numbers (e.g. < 123> ), hexadecimal numbers (e.g. < 0XAB> ), and binary numbers (e.g. < 0B10101110> ).
11.The SHOW DEVICE and SHOW ENTRY commands now have a new qualifier: /
12.The SHOW QUEUE and SHOW ENTRY commands now show entries in the database queue by default. In prior releases it was necessary to specify the / DATABASE qualifier to see the database queue entries.
13.The qualifier to the options file DEVICE command to set the default state of
14.The phone
15.Queue files for previous releases are incompatible with this release. The installation process will automatically rename any old queue file.
16.Any locally generated database application must be relinked with the FAX_DB.OLB in this release. Internal message formats have changed with this release.
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