6.3.2 Adding a Port Nam e
(Go to the Details window of the selected PostScript printer driver. Refer to the PostScript Driver Initialization section above, if necessary, for information on how to get there.)
1. In the Details window, the box entitled Print to the following port: should show:
C:\ CFTEMP.PS (Unknown local port)
2.If it does not show that, click on the arrow to the right of the box and a dropdown list of names should appear. Select the one that says C:\ CFTEMP.PS. If that port name is not on the list, close the dropdown list by clicking next to it, then click on the Add Port... button and select Other Local Port OK and enter the port name C:\ CFTEMP.PS, then click OK again to return to the Details window. The new port name should now show in the port box.
6.3.3 Window s 3.1 Post Sc ript Driver Init ializat ion
1.Make a backup copy of the WIN.INI file in the WINDOWS directory and then edit WIN.INI as follows. Find the section entitled [ports]. In that section, add the new "port name" C:\ CFTEMP.PS= exactly as shown here, on a line of its own. Save the file and restart Windows.
2. Select Program Manager Control Panel Printers Add> > .
3.From the List of Printers box, select a PostScript driver, such as HP LaserJet IIIP PostScript, then click on the Install button. If the driver was installed earlier, a new entry will appear in the Installed Printers box; if not, you will need to install it from a diskette, per the instructions on the screen.
4.After the PostScript driver is installed, highlight it in the Installed Drivers box and then click on the Connect... button.
5.In the Connect Window, select C:\ CFTEMP.PS as a port, then click OK, then Close and close the Control Panel.
6.3.4 Disc laim er
There are many different document formats. To avoid having to write a special conversion routine for each possible format, CompuFax PC Interface uses a Windows
6.4 Using the PC Interface
The CompuFax PC Interface software allows users to send faxes from PCs that are networked to a CompuFax Full Device Server, which takes care of the fax transmissions. Thus, those PCs do not require fax modems.
6.4.1 Requirem ent s
The hardware and software requirements for the CompuFax PC Interface are:
The PC (client) must be running Windows 3.1 or Windows 95
The client must have the CompuFax PC Interface software installed
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