Message: %FDB-F-NOSTREAM, Specified database stream not open
Description: An attempt was made to reference a database stream that is not currently open.
User action: The database application should close out any internal context associated with the stream.
Message: %FAX-W-NOTINQUEUE, Entry nn not in queue
Description: An attempt was made to delete a queue entry that did not exist.
User action: Check the correctnes s o f the ID n u mber specified. I t is also p o ssible the queue ent ry
completed before it could be deleted.
Message: %FAX-W-NO_ AN SWER, No answer o r no fax detected
Description: The specified phone number did not answer. The document will be re-queued fo r later
transmission if the retry count has not been exceeded.
User action: Check the correctnes s o f the number sp ecified and the state o f the remote fax m ach in e.
Message: %FAX-W-PHONE_BUSY, Phone busy
Description: The specified phone number was busy. The document will be reque s t ed for lat er retry if the
max. retries has not b een exceeded.
User action: Check the correctness of the phone number and the state of the remote fax device.
Message: %FAX-I-PNUMBER, Phone number xxxx
Description: Phone number used as shown.
User action: None.
Message: %FAX-W-PRIADJUST, Default priority in options reduced to maximum priority
Description: The default queue priority in the options file was set greater than the maximum.
User action: Either raise the maximum or lower the default.
Message: %FAX-W-PROCESSCRE, P r o cess create error
Description: The server was unable to create the mail subprocess. User mail will not be sent on s end
User action: Check the remainder o f t h e message for the cause o f t h e failure.
Message: %SQ-F-QNUMMISMAT, Static queue count mismatch. Old: nn, New: nn
Description: This indicates th at eit h er t h e number of f ax d evices o r t he QUEU E_MAXIMUM parameter
in the server optio n s file have been changed since t h e last time the server was star t ed .
User action: Delete the file FAX$D I R:FAX.QUEU E and restart th e server.
Message: %SQ-F-Q O PENF AI L, Unable to o p en/ create internal qu eu e
Description: This indicates the server was unable to open the queue file (FAX$DIR:FAX.Q U EUE) on
User action: Ensure the d irectory pointed to b y th e logical nam e F AX$D IR exists. The RMS statu s
included with this message can give additional information as to the reason for the failure.
Message: %SQ-F-QSCRMISMAT, Static queue scratch size mismatch. Old: nnn, New: nn
Description: This indicates th at eit h er t h e number of f ax d evices o r t he QUEU E_MAXIMUM parameter