Out of Memory message
If you get an Out of Memory message while scan ning the first page
of a fax, press Stop/Exit to cancel the scan. If y ou get an Out of
Memory message while scanning a subsequent page, you will have
the option to press Mono Start to send the pa ges scanned so far,
or to press Stop/Exit to cancel the operation .
Automatic transmissio n
This is the easiest wa y to send a fax.
If it is not illuminated in green, press (Fax).
Load your document. (S ee Load documents on page 2-1.)
Enter the fax number usin g the dial pad, Speed-Dial or Sea rch.
(See How to dial on page 6-1.)
Press Mono Start or Colour Start.
If the memory is full and you are faxing a single page, it will be
sent in real time.
Do not pick up the hand se t of the external phone.