Installing and Operating Passport ARN Routers
Using Netboot, Directed Netboot, or Local Boot
When you netboot or local boot the ARN, you must use a command line interface that accesses the router software. To use a command line interface, you can:
•Wait for the ARN to local boot (that is, wait for the router to fail
•Interrupt the boot process using a break sequence and log in to the ARN monitor to redefine the boot process.
Using the netboot, directed netboot, or local boot options requires that you:
•Connect any necessary communications cables to access the network.
•Connect a management console.
•Connect the ARN power cable.
•Install a flash memory card.
See Chapter 1, “Installing the ARN” for instructions on how to complete these tasks.
Interrupting the Boot Process
Interrupting the boot process automatically starts the ARN monitor. Using the ARN monitor allows you to bypass the
Note: Before you power on the ARN, make sure that you have installed the router and connected the management console equipment you need (see “Connecting a Management Console” on page
To interrupt the boot process:
1.Press the power switch on the ARN back panel to the On position.
As the router powers on, your console displays the ARN diagnostic tests. After successfully completing these tests, the router begins the