Installing and Operating Passport ARN Routers
2.Type the following command and press the Return key to boot the ARN: boot
Note: If the ARN tries to local boot and cannot find a software image file or a configuration file, it attempts to netboot once. If both attempts fail, the ARN continues to local boot and netboot until it boots successfully. If the ARN remains in this loop, follow the steps in “Interrupting the Boot Process” on page
3.Ensure that the ARN boots correctly.
When the ARN boots, its LEDs flash in a particular order. To ensure that the installation was successful, see “Ensuring a Successful Installation” on page
After the ARN boots using its local software image and configuration file, the Technician Interface login prompt appears.
4.Type the following command (noting the use of an uppercase “M”) at the login prompt and press the Return key:
The Technician Interface prompt ($) appears.
Note: To check the contents of the router local file system on the installed flash memory card, type dir and press the Return key. The arn.exe software image, config file, and inst_arn.bat file should appear among the files listed.
5.Enter the following command and press the Return key to run the
run inst_arn.bat
The Quick-Start script begins running.
6.Using your completed
The ARN uses this information to configure interfaces to the network.
For sample