24Using the Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Button | Name | Description | Menu Equivalent |
| Modify | When a data row is selected | None - This button exists |
| and the Modify button is | in all pages where row |
| clicked, the fields of an edit | data can be modified |
| form are filled with the data of |
| the selected row. |
| Apply | Clicking the Apply button | Actions > Apply |
| causes the entire New | Configuration |
| Configuration to be copied to |
| the Current Configuration. This |
| causes the switch to operate |
| with the new settings. At this |
| point, the New and Current |
| Configurations are identical. |
| Refresh | Click Refresh to discard | Nortel - Refresh Status |
| any unsaved changes and |
| |
| Insert | Inserts a new row of data in | None - This button exists |
| an Edit table. Clicking Insert | on all pages where rows |
| opens a separate screen data | can be inserted |
| entry screen. |
| Delete | Deletes the currently selected | None - This button exists |
| Selected | rows of a table. | on all pages where rows |
| Rows |
| can be deleted |
| Filter | Configures a filtered view of | None - This button exists |
| table data. This filter is for | on all pages where table |
| display purposes only and | data can be filtered |
| does not change the switch |
| configuration. |
| Copy | Copies data to paste on a | None - This button exists |
| similar section on any other | on all pages where table |
| table. | data can be copied |
| Paste | Pastes any copied data. This | None - This button exists |
| is different from a drag and | on all pages where table |
| drop operation. | data can be pasted |
| Reset | Restores the original values | None - This button exists |
| Changes | since the last modified data | on all pages where table |
| that has not been sent to the | data can be modified |
| switch. |
| Export | Exports the table data into a | None - This button exists |
| Table | text file. | on all pages containing |
| Data |
| table data |
| Opens the Print dialog so | None - This button exists | |
| that the current page can be | on all pages |
| printed. |
Nortel Application Switch Element Manager
Users Guide
5.0 28 January 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks